SIMPLE & QUICK: POTUS 45 rebuilds blue wall, barricades White House, and maces wall of moms— but still no border wall

Walls surround The 45th President. Donald Trump announced his 2016 Presidential campaign proclaiming America will build a wall along its border with Mexico. “Build the Wall” became a MAGA rally cry mainstay. However, three-and-a-half years after his inauguration, there are plenty of walls, but none of them are a physical border with Mexico.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign failed to spend sufficient time, or any, in the upper-Midwest. As a result, for the first time since 1992, the Blue Wall failed. Donald Trump and the Republican party won the once reliably blue states of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. White working class Obama voters and rural voters alike became MAGA enthusiasts.

Data suggest this trend peaked before the lackluster inauguration of the American Carnage president. In 2018, fluctuating suburbs and rural Republican strongholds sent a historic blue wave to Congress. Yet, instead of embracing a new image and flipping then as easily as The Donald flip-flops now, President Trump compounded the worst American tendencies that elected him.

President Trump, his administration, and the committee to re-elect the President are focused on retaining the 2016 failure of The Blue Wall states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

Michigan’s Democratic Governor, Gretchen Whitmer, rose to the occasion with her Covid-19 response and did not fall for the attacks from Trump’s racist brigade. Currently, Team Biden runs with a nearly 8-point advantage in Michigan. The former VP Joe Biden is from Scranton, Pennsylvania, edging a home state bias. He has also regularly lead the polls in the Keystone state, despite balancing environmental reform and union pressure. Team Trump hinges hopes on “secret supporters.”

Things are not looking so hot for Team MAGA in Wisconsin either. In fact, former GOP Speaker and Wisconsinite political powerhouse, Paul Ryan, said recently in a private gathering that Trump is losing the Badger state. Ryan furthered in the meeting, “Biden is winning over Trump in this category of voters 70 to 30, and if that sticks, he cannot win states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.”

In June, President Trump had a wall barricade built around the White House as peaceful demonstrators gathered in the aftermath of the George Floyd lynching. As demonstrations grew across the country and more and more Americans took to the streets to express their displeasure, the President fortified his fence, effectively turning the White House into the Trump bunker.

Demonstrations against police brutality and other forms of institutionalized racism still reverberate through major cities in the United States. The President is now disbursing secret police to America’s streets. Protestors in Portland, Oregon, have been abducted and ushered away in rental vans.

The “Wall of Moms” founder, Bev Barnum, said to MSNBC’s Ali Velshi that the viral video of the protester being taken away in a mini van by camouflaged men is why she got involved. Ms. Barnum furthered, “Right now they are building a concrete wall for themselves in response to the non-violent Wall of Moms . . . it escalates each night because of the police.”

Bev believes that the secret police use tear gas, tactically, so “the cameras cannot see what is happening and then they unlawfully arrest protesters.” She adds, “They arrested four moms!”

The President made a lot of promises after descending his golden escalator at Trump Tower New York. His four-year term as POTUS now nears to a close. He will know for sure in November, but it appears President Donald J. Trump can tout that he built back the Blue Wall.

The President can also assert that through executive order, or “power grab,” as he calls them, that he built the best fences around Federal courthouses, maintained monuments to white supremacy, and encamped his White House bunker. The President can say that he commissioned storm troopers to beat the hell out of U.S. Veterans and mace moms and extra-Constitutionally detained their children. Pero no hay muro con México, y nunca existirá.