SIMPLE & QUICK: Attacking women in power is a bold 2020 GOP general election strategy

Attacking women before a general election is a bold strategy. This is especially true given the political reality of women driving modern election wins. Nevertheless, this week, GOP men persisted. The Republican party is making it clear once again that it has a few choice words for women in power.

The Grand Ole Party of President Trump, who tweeted racist misogyny against Democratic freshmen Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, is at it again. Republicans spent this past week reiterating irrational fury against Rep. Ocasio-Cortez.

Democratic New York Representative Ocasio-Cortez described the scene in a tweet:

Florida Congressman Ted Yoho doubled-down with a non-apology from the House floor. Republican Rep Yoho explained, “I cannot apologize for my passion, or for loving my God, my family and my country.”

It was later reported that Rep Ocasio-Cortez said she, “was not looking for an apology,” but that she is, “someone’s daughter, too.”

Following traditional attacks on Democratic women, the GOP found a nasty woman in their own ranks. The Republican Representative from Wyoming, Liz Cheney, is under fire for “disloyalty to Trump.” There is no report of Cheney being a “fucking bitch,” but the Chair of the House Republican Conference and Daughter of Somebody— Former Republican VP Dick Cheney— is currently going through some things.

Put in a tweet by Republican Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz:

The Republican Representative from Florida is joined in his unexplained conspiratorial discourse by the Republican Junior Senator from Kentucky, Rand Paul, in his reply tweet:

President Donald Trump and his MAGA acolytes will find out if their asymmetric war on women et al strategy pays dividends in November.

Here’s what the current polls suggest.