SIMPLE & QUICKPandering to polarized politics, POTUS puts all Americans at risk as he pits red against blue while both ACHOO

Hoping that she is on the back side of the first peak appearance of the novel coronavirus, a stir-crazy and economically bewildered nation is rightfully itching to get back to work and resuming “normal” life activities. The unfortunate reality is that any foreseeable return to normalcy is, like the virus, intangible.

Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas are first to re-open. What exactly re-opening means is depending on the state. Interestingly, the Republican governors from these four states all maintain that physical distancing guidelines will be used somehow while allowing barber shops, wrestling, and flea markets to resume business.

Soon to join the group of liberated states will be Florida, Nebraska, and Arkansas. Curiously, in tandem with the re-openings, is a lack of strategy behind the states’ strategies. There is no explanation of why States chose the business they did (aside from financial pressure. It has also not been described by the Trump administration or friendly governors how states will establish and/or enforce necessary public health safety measures to limit resurgences.

These States have no published contingency plans in place in case there are outbreaks during their re-openings. All their citizens know is that there will soon be packed beauty salons, perhaps with young, asymptomatic and unaware beauticians, interacting directly with octogenarian clientele. There will be crowded church pews, busy tattoo parlors, and the survival of the fittest.

On the coasts, however, governors of California, Oregon, and Washington on the Pacific side; and those of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut in New England, claim they are working in tandem. There is cooperative attempt to formulate detailed re-opening schemes that will allow for resuming economic activities. The gubernatorial brain trust is attempting a regional re-opening that will contain stop-gap measures should any resurgence occur.

The problem for Americans is that viruses do not follow the customs and preferences of any political ideology. No, viruses seek vulnerable entry into new biological systems that allow them to thrive and shed for further infection. So what Americans will see is likely resurgences in communities that lax health precautions and resume pre-pandemic commercial activity too early. What is yet to be learned is if due to the virus’s incubation period, will it resurge in open Nashville and find a host there who travels to closed and struggling Michigan?