SIMPLE & QUICKAll the POTUS’ corruption and all the POTUS’ criminal men, cannot put back together Trump’s 2016 campaign win

Reports from the Beltway insist that Team Trump is scheming up an October surprise to unleash upon the Biden Camp before Americans head to the polls. Perhaps, it was Biden in Benghazi with a Ukrainian candlestick? Wow if true. More likely, it just does not matter this cycle. Albeit, time in politics does not follow physics, and, of course, anything can happen.

But— the facts on the table right now are that in the battleground states, Biden leads Trump in Michigan by 6. Biden leads Trump in Wisconsin by 5. Biden leads Trump in Minnesota by 7. Biden leads trump in Pennsylvania by 5. Biden leads Trump in Florida by 4. Biden leads Trump in once ruby red Arizona and North Carolina by 2 and 1, respectfully. The national average also has the Obama VP outside of the margins of error, consistently.

Polls considered, there are 223 safe Democratic electoral college votes— before any of the battleground states are included. Biden needs 47 to win the election. His consistent outside-of-the-margins lead in five (5) of the seven (7) listed battleground states, give Biden 308 electoral college votes. A candidate needs 270 to win.

There is also a Trump Team messaging problem. Nothing is sticking to Slippery Joe. “Sleepy” does not work when the 78 year old former VP is out enjoying bicycle rides and cracking jokes— while POTUS struggles for water and feebly descends a low grade ramp. Biden has more than 40 years of record in public service, so it is unlikely Americans will ever see him as a Marxist Communist Antifa Leftist, either. Uncle Joe has gaffes baked in the cake. None have harmed his career to date.

The Attorney General will probably launch a last minute investigation into Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and Burisma. Conservative media and select congressmen have probably “somehow” received stolen or doctored emails and audio files from the Russian hack of cell phones or from the Burisma Holdings LTD hack last year. Those emails will certainly show that Joe helped his son get that absurdly paid board job. Then, the Republicans will have a Federal investigation afoot and damning “proof” in the public discourse.

Maybe, but Team Trump inoculated America to the Burisma story. The President was impeached because of the obsession. It did not work then, and pursuing the conspiracy crumbs only hurt Donald Trump politically. It is also not working now— despite still being used in some circles after it did not work, originally, and only incited Trump’s impeachment. Keeping with the consistency, when Burisma is brought up again, in October, even with possibly damning emails, it will not work. Because it does not matter this cycle.

Entrepreneur and recording artist, Kanye West, has put together a last minute bid for President. Well, some of Donald Trump’s lawyers got Kanye West’s name put on the ballot in a few states. There is also Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian candidate running as “the other choice instead of picking between two evils.” Neither of these will work either. The fact is, Joe Biden has a moot favorable versus unfavorable rating. The Donald has a rating that is -15 points. Donald John Trump understands ratings. The fact is, his are awful, and no network would renew a show with such ratings in the dumps.

The best bet, and clearly the only coherent strategy from Team Trump, is to hope for the trick shot. Again. Perhaps, the combination of false-equivalency attack ads in swing states, mass assistance from Putin’s Internet trolls, new Federal investigations into top Democrats by the President’s AG and other political trickster friends, some vote sniping by Kanye West and Jo Jorgensen, and a whole lot of U.S. Postal Service ratfucking by his appointed cronies will just do the trick. Maybe.

But the fact is, there are 83 days left until the general election. There are 30 million Americans out of a job. The coronavirus pandemic in the United States is out of control. American economic recovery is dependent on addressing the unchecked virus. Donald Trump and his Administration has, and sadly, still is showing America how it handles a pandemic. Americans do not trust Trump anymore. Any October surprise, no matter how nasty the belch may smell— it will only register as a burp to a fed-up American electorate wading through Trump’s vomit field.