SIMPLE & QUICKIn his speech to drink bleach, the POTUS 45 show joins a history of high-ratings TV writing itself right off of the screen

When the fandom of Happy Days faded and the 50s-based American sitcom began to lose viewers, the show’s creators came up with an episode that would surly give the hurrah necessary to re-ignite the fun. The Happy Days crew found themselves on a beach. The Fonz found himself awkwardly jumping a shark while on skis and being pulled by a speedboat. That scene gave birth to the phrase, “jumping the shark.” Happy Days lost most of its remaining viewers after the episode aired and the show soon ended.

Everyone knows that the 45th President of the United States has an affinity for the silver screen. In fact, historians will probably remember Donald John Trump as the Reality TV President. He grew his audience from the sidelines— using his wealth and social status to hurl emotional dog whistles into the public discourse. As a presidential hopeful, he held rallies that would make any ringmaster jealous. Today, his Presidential record shows lip service over policy. It has also been reported that he picks top advisors and secretaries who “look the part.”

Until now, this has all been great for Team Trump. Just like Happy Days, Team Trump reminds a certain voting bloc of that prosperous America of lore which had cool American fashion, tough American made muscle cars, thriving small corner stores & restaurant hops, as well as lots and lots of white people and white perspectives. But also just like Happy Days, it appears that the “Make America Great Again Show” has jumped the shark. More and more polls show Team Trump shedding something other than a novel virus. The consensus in polling (including internal) shows the Red Team is shedding voters. From every bloc. Lots of voters.

In April, The President of the United States, once the most powerful person in the world, stood before the cameras and told Americans to drink bleach and inject disinfectants to perhaps dissolve away the coronavirus. The virus has killed almost 100,000 Americans, and something is wrong with the President.

When the 2020 election is over and Joe Biden is sworn in as the 46th President of the United States, perhaps America will look back and say on April 22nd 2020, The Donald jumped the shark, and Uncle Joe won the following November’s election.