SIMPLE & QUICK: Will Biden’s daffy gaffes give Team Trump political gold, or is Uncle Joe just too well known

There has been a new release in the saga of “Uncle Joe’s Latest Gaffe.” If you have not yet heard it, here is the full interview with “The Breakfast Club” radio host Charlemagne Tha God. SPOILER: The relatively successful interview ended with the former VP to President Barack Obama cavalierly saying, “And if you’ve got a problem figuring out whether or not you are deciding to vote for Biden or Trump, then you ain’t black!”

Team Trump jumped on this with a website and got shirts, signs and everything else manufactured from their friendly Shenzhen business pals and out to their base within days. Imagine a response to the novel coronavirus being this quick from the Administration.

The hope is that the gaffe will be seen as appalling to black and liberal white voters and that Team MAGA will make good instead with some of the black vote while disengaging many more. Unfortunately for Trump and Co., black voters have a good memory and have already quite literally experienced every disingenuous political play imaginable from various white supremacists on political party tickets.

So today the accomplishments of the committee to re-elect the President include a failed attempt to show Joe and his son as corrupt (this lead to Trump’s impeachment), a literally random Obamagate conspiracy that imploded into nothingness, an ironic campaign to paint Biden as weak on China, and now, a foolhardy gaffe-attack on a genial American gaffe machine.