Bringing Receipts
SIMPLE & QUICK: Middle-of-the-road Joe must make good on his pact with The Squad, and the “far left” is posturing to make sure of it
Joe Biden made a promise to his progressive counterparts. He promised that with their support, and more importantly, the support of their bases, he will carry out the most progressive political agenda in American history. Uncle Joe made good while on the campaign trail— and the President-elect won on the most progressive Democratic platform in presidential politics. However, as he begins to roll out his cabinet and put names with his high-level positions, Biden stated to reporters that he believes he has already made a “significant” amount of progressive appointments. Progressives pushed back immediately, saying, that sure ain’t so, Joe!
Leftist Congressional mouthpieces are now amplifying pressure onto Biden after collective paranoia heard “that’s a wrap” on progressive appointments when Joe told reporters he has “already made significant progressive representation” in his administration. In fact, the New York Post reports that campaign staffers are “pissed.” Salon points out that despite some far-left praise on Biden’s picks, there is growing worry of his more corporatist choices, including Antony Blinken for Secretary of State and Jake Sullivan for National Security Advisor.
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez D-NY ensures her supporters that she will not let the President-elect forget any promises made on the climate crisis. AOC champions the Green New Deal and the representative is coming for her $2 trillion. Alongside the Representative from New York is The Squad and other youth members of The Sunrise Movement. The group boasts 3.5M voters in swing states and also demands strong resolve on the climate crisis.
Students are also concerned about student loan debt. Since the 1990s, America’s young people, mostly 18-through-21-year-olds, have been systematically coerced into signing signature loans. Students were influenced heavily by their educators, whom are pressured by their institutions. Colligate administrators found funding gold in the easy money. Students believed what they were told. They were told that if they do well in school and achieve a college degree, that any student loan debt accumulated in the pursuit will pay for itself. This is not happening for the majority of college students, despite earning degrees.
Instead, former students are forgoing first-time home buying, which is how Americans establish wealth. They are also not investing because any money left after the modern cost of living goes toward one or more student loan payments in a 25-year lifecycle. Graduates who took non-profit and service jobs seeking public service forgiveness were tricked into dedicating a decade or more of service in low-paying jobs or careers with no advancement. This was followed by no public service loan forgiveness as promised by the Department of Education. Needless to say, after watching a $1.5 trillion Republican tax relief bill pass for corporations and billionaires under Trump, American students have demands regarding the future of the $1.5 trillion national student debt.
Above all, Joe Biden owes his largest debt of gratitude to black Americans. Black people voted en masse for Democrat Joe Biden despite a myriad of aggressive and violent suppressive obstacles set by the GOP. Because of the tenacity of Black Americans, Joe Biden was elevated over the threshold in every single battleground state. Milwaukee saved the President-elect in Wisconsin and gave its state’s 10 EVs to Biden. Black voters in Detroit saved Michigan’s 16 EVs for Joe Bide as well, and black people in Philadelphia voted in unprecedented numbers to deliver PA’s 20 EVs to Uncle Joe.

Most surprising is Biden flipping the Peach state. Atlanta and its suburbs smashed records and sent Georgia’s 16 EVs to the now President-elect. Although preliminary data is conflicting, it is without a doubt that Stacy Abrams established the registration and GOTV machine that strategically sought-out and activated long-forgotten black voters in GA’s “black belt.” Georgia and Arizona turning blue truly saved the national narrative from the anti-democratic cries of a ditched lame duck. It will behoove Joe Biden to keep his promises made to black Americans. Especially black women, whom have proven their elective power time and time again for Democrats.
Biden’s broad cohort will not let the President-elect forget promises made. Since the balance of the Senate rests in the up-coming Georgia run-off elections, the collective Democratic base could not be more important. The Georgia GOP voter base is in an all-out civil war. The conservative faithful have been rat-fucked by their own State leadership under Governor Brian Kemp, and further by the failed messaging of their defeated presidential incumbent, Donald John Trump. Yesterday, Republican officials in the Peach state pleaded with violent Trump fans. With Republican voters confused, and many thinking that the Senate elections are already decided, if there is ever a scenario in which Democrats can pull a blue rabbit out of a red hat, Georgia on January 5th is it. Regardless of the outcome, Biden owes his base big, and they come with receipts.