SIMPLE & QUICK: Presumed 2020 Democratic nominee Joe Biden starts stumping for his Presidential agenda

The Former Vice President of the United States of America initiated conversation on his 2021 economic plan, entitled,”Build Back Better.” Biden spoke in detail about what he sees for America’s future to a crowd in a campaign speech yesterday in PA. The candidate declared that, “Trump has simply given up. He has risen the white flag. He has walked away.”

In his warm stump speech on a rainy New England summer day, Biden focused the conversation on local economics and jobs. The presumed 2020 Democratic nominee said “union” and “right to organize,” repeatedly. Union Joe’s vision in uniting America is with strong blue collar jobs, innovative green & technological infrastructure programs, as well as expanding Obamacare, tackling childcare, and raising the minimum wage.

The candidate said that he wants to raise the Federal corporate tax rate back to 28%. He promised that the days of corporations, such as Amazon, paying zero in Federal taxes are over. Biden also spoke about his ideas for small businesses. Joe says that “mom and pop shops are what drives the American economy” and that they deserve a break and assistance in getting back to doing what they do best.

Included in his plans is an end to shareholder capitalism, adding that companies and corporations owe a debt to their workers and communities— to uplift them. He said that doing this is what made America a great country in the first place. “We need to take these values and apply them to a new economy,” emphasizing that the old economy, even under Trump, was not working for average Americans— it was working only for the wealthy.

This was the first of many campaign platform speeches Biden will give along the way to November. The contrast to what has been seen in Trump’s 2020 speeches could not be more stark. Biden is offering calm, open, rational resolve to the American people. Uncle Joe recognizes that plans, a steady hand, and an empathetic leader is what a nation thrown off course by a pandemic and ensuing economic ruin need right now.

The Presidential hopeful went on to out line his “Five Truths” that would guide America back to its rightful standing in the world. He said that the future must be made in America— all in America.