SIMPLE & QUICK: There is digging a political hole and then there is burying your own incumbency

The President has a lot of problems. But a lot of people are saying The Donald is at his best when he is cornered. In case no one is counting, there are 99 days before America decides to either re-elect the 45th President of the United States, or from e pluribus unum say, “You’re fired!”

Historically, Americans always focus on the economy, but with an uncontrolled pandemic amuck this cycle, the voter’s top priority is a toss-up between the coronavirus and its COVID-19 economy.

In 2016, white women were split on electing Donald Trump. This appears to no longer be the case. Trump is eroding this all-important cohort to his opponent. In fact, the President’s prospects with “suburban housewives” or “soccer moms” is getting worse by the day. Perhaps having secret police gas mothers, abduct their children— cage their babies— and threaten their body ownership are showing to be poor policy choices. And then there are the oddly sexist tweets:

Donald Trump is also losing white male voters. Since October 2019, the Donald is down around 10 points with white working men— his core MAGA base. Trump promised this cohort manufacturing jobs, a re-investment in coal mining, and better international trade deals.

99 days before the General Election, POTUS 45 has lost all manufacturing gains to his coronavirus response. American coal mining is buried, and it does not appear anyone from this bloc can articulate what the USMCA has done for them. Recent rhetoric whiplash with the masks off, masks on nonsense and “the pandemic is here to stay” flip-flop has broken Trump’s once consistent messaging.

Individual state polls are not trending positive for the President either. In 2016, Mr. Trump won Florida and squeaked-out wins in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Donald Trump also maintained the troubled Republican grounds of Arizona, North Carolina, and Ohio.

Today is not 2016. Now that the insurgent outsider has a political profile and record of governance, the President is losing every 2016 gain by wide margins. The President is even losing Arizona and North Carolina back to the Democrats. Ohio was trending red since around the Obama administration; however, the latest polls have it, too, as a toss-up. What should terrify Team Trump is the blue dreams of Georgia and Texas flipping just may usher in the Trump Administration’s death kneel. Even their polls trend as in play for Team Biden.

Americans expected a lot of creativity from the Trump Administration. There was perhaps some suspicion of certain grifting and impropriety, but in exchange for rocketing GDP growth and over-flowing bank accounts, the bet was on. It is safe to assume that Americans did not know the answer to Trump’s, “What the hell do you have to lose,” would be answered with their jobs, their livelihoods, and their lives.

Starting off this week for The Donald is the “surprise” request from Republican President Ronald Reagan’s Legacy Foundation that Republican President Donald John Trump please stop using Ronald Reagan‘s likeness in any Team Trump 2020 re-election campaigning. It was Ronald Reagan who coined the phrase, “Make America great again.”