SIMPLE & QUICKNo longer a hippie pipe dream, the Left’s Green New Deal becomes a big damn opportunity to regenerate a pandemic economy, rebuild failing national infrastructure, and establish an equitable social contract

So far, the US is estimating over 22 million jobs lost. The old party ideological platforms are resurfacing from the economic calamity Covid caused. Solutions proposed from today’s bumper sticker politics will not work this time. Democrats are attempting to provide economic impact relief payments and provide relief for state and local governments as well as small business affected by the closures. The Dem’s package wants an oversight board to ensure applicants from small businesses are also protected and included in PPP loan disbursements.

On the other side of the isle, Republicans are working hard to prop up the nation’s banks with policy proposals further empowering big banks by entrusting them to disburse taxpayer’s money to business relief aid applicants. This will make the investor class happy to know that “their” money is in good hands. This will incite a happier stock market to boot. America is seeing the quintessential big government vs small government solutions unfold.

Between the first three phases of the C.A.R.E.S Act, the results have included output from both perspectives. This has kept the parties fixed on talking points and so far without too much admission of concession from either side. This used to be a part of compromise. However, are Americans already seeing that a small governance approach to squelching, controlling, and eradicating a viral pandemic is impossible? Will the GOP’s fend-for-yourself approach during a legitimate pandemic lead to failure across all sectors of societal life and the economy?

As the two sides recede from the far ends of their opposing perspectives, a series of compromises must still meet the moment. Republicans currently control the majority of local and state governments and they also control the Senate and hold the Presidency. It is their government, the pandemic response is their responsibility. So far, extensive assistance and mitigation measures are not on the table. Republican lawmakers are dragging their feet. If history is a guide, the coalescing pain Americans are experiencing will be made known in November at the ballot box.

Should this happen and Democrats take back local and state governments, maintain the House, regain the Senate, and take back the White House, the new government will consist of a power mandate not seen since the Great Depression. It should be an empowered Democratic party. Democrats should channel big government as solutions to the pandemic recovery. In fact, Democrats need look no further than the already established Green New Deal, sponsored by The Squad.

Putting aside the unlikely reality of an ipso facto leap into complete Democratic legislative power only because of comprehensive wins in the November election cycle, the real newfound mojo to green initiatives and the Green New Deal itself is the sudden alignment of business interests with those needs of the general public and increasingly overlapping trade markets. Between bourgeoning worker’s health demands and a sudden geo-political urge to stop environmental detriment that exacerbates natural disasters such as pandemics, market demands have significantly and perhaps permanently shifted. It has shifted to green initiatives and preventative policy measures. The old power structure has probably collapsed under the enormity of the pandemic.