SIMPLE & QUICK: POTUS 45 foments, fuels, and fans flames for era of carnage

In his inaugural address, the 45th President of the United States of America promised an end to American carnage. The newly sworn-in President Trump defined the carnage as abandoned American factories, waves of opioid overdose deaths, and border cities ravaged by MS13 and other rapist, job-stealing immigrants.

The Donald promised to Make America Great Again by appointing conservative judges and justices, of whom will bring an end to Obamacare, DACA, and other liberal activist rulings that infringe on “religious freedoms.” Mr. Trump promised to cut “Democrat” EPA regulations and order Congress to cut taxes. And all with an emphasis on law and order.

Now, three-and-a-half years removed from the dark decree, Americans actually find themselves awash in carnage. There are 21 million American workers without employment. Many of whom will lose their Federal and State unemployment benefits at the end of July. Along with the even more abandoned factories, there will soon be a wave of evictions and foreclosures as COVID-displaced American workers are still unable to pay their rents and mortgages.

Accompanying opioid overdoses now is growing, unprecedented depression and suicide in Appalachia, the Heartland, and the South. Americans are sicker than they have been in over 100 years. The coronavirus has claimed at least 137,000 lives so far, and there is a projected 100,000 or more deaths yet to come.

Abject failure in every sense of a national response has left America #1 in the world with most cases, hospitalizations, and deaths from COVID-19. Confusion strategically sewn into the national fabric by the President and his team of governors on face coverings has thousands of residents in Arizona, Florida, Nebraska, and Texas drowning in their own phlegm now.

Albeit American immigration was a net loss leading into Trump’s assumption of power, regardless, the new President enacted purposefully petulant policies that have resulted in children at the U.S.-Mexico Border being removed from their parents’ custody and lost indefinitely in the American deportation machine.

Americans have forgotten the MS13 ghost stories told by candidate Trump, but (before being COVID-ravaged) workers of meatpacking plants and other predominately immigrant places of employment are regularly met by I.C.E. raids, and now DREAMers and international students live in confusion and paranoia of deportation.

The “gay agenda” is proving perhaps too powerful for homophobe-in-chief Donald J. Trump, but Team MAGA has still managed to find creative ways to pick on trans-Americans. Trump’s 200 federal judges have not helped America with any of the ensuing crises she finds herself in now, but perhaps they are still learning their jobs since many of them are too inept to function according the American BAR Association. Regulations have been rescinded, but there is more confusion than economic advancement.

Nursing homes across the country hid grandma and grandpa’s dead COVID-inflamed bodies. Doctors are killing themselves. Hourly employees making $10.00-15.00 an hour in 2020 are being assaulted for asking patrons to wear masks.

Local community police forces sworn to serve and protect are regularly killing black and brown Americans. Police officers are bludgeoning-to-a-pulp kids, forcibly knocking over 75-year-old senior citizens, and attacking unsuspecting people on park benches. Landlords and banks are ready to just “do business” and throw young families and their belongings out on the streets.

There is a lot of sick in the Trump era— but there is very little winning.