SIMPLE & QUICKSocial unrest grows as more Americans jump off the Trump train and seek a safer, sober ride home

Politics is strange. After months of calling Joe Biden “Sleepy Joe;” amid a pandemic and social unrest, it is Donald Trump who finds himself in a bunker while the former Vice President is on the road. Joe Biden has been in Delaware, worshiping with AME church-goers and was again later out with the protesters. Today, he spoke further on the murder of George Floyd— but this time in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, alongside protesters. The VP is also rumored to speak more about Mr. Floyd at the deceased’s funeral, in Houston, Texas, where the Reverend Al Sharpton will deliver the eulogy.

The President did make it across the street to St. John’s Church; however, and displayed an up-side Bible that he never opened. There was no prayer. When asked if the Bible was his, the President responded, “It’s a Bible.” This jaunt to The Church of Presidents alongside Secret Service and U.S. Military did not go well. Shortly after, the Bishop of St. John’s Church condemned the photo opportunity. Pat Robertson had some words for the President: “Not cool!” And it appears that it is still not going well for the former reality TV host.

Also, this image of the White House is making its rounds across the various social media platforms. Today the President addressed the “bunker baby” issue. True to form, he said that reports are incorrect and that he was simply inspecting the bunker. The White House bunker was last used by Vice President Cheney on September 11th, 2001.

Given the reality that Mr. Biden is out and about spending time with The People, it appears that “Sleepy Joe” has been debunked. Albeit, it is not even clear it ever had any resonance. It should also be noted that Team Trump’s enthusiastic attempt to make “You ain’t black” a household chuckle at the VP’s expense has imploded. Tara Read’s attorney recently dropped her as a client. It does not appear that story will work either.