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Author: Stumpy

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03:30 PM ET (12:30 PM PT): The presumed 2020 Democratic Presidential Nominee, Fmr Vice President Joe Biden, will soon be accompanied by his own newly nodded 2020 ticket Vice President pick, Senator Kamala Harris. Their first speech as running mates, together, is in Wilmington, Delaware….

LIVE TWEETING NOW: @StumpdPolitics

10:00 AM ET (07:00 AM PT): Former Deputy Attorney General under President Obama is in the hot seat today. The Senate Judiciary Committee is investigating the origins of the “Russia Probe” and Russian interference in the 2016 elections. The hearing, lead by republican Chairman Lindsey…

LIVE TWEETING NOW: @StumpdPolitics

01:00 PM ET (10:00 AM PT): Big Technology is in the hot seat today on Capitol Hill. Tech CEOs from Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Twitter are questioned on antitrust laws, stifling industry competition, stealing data from consumers. Will the Trump Administration seek to break…

LIVE TWEETING NOW: @StumpdPolitics

10:00 AM ET (07:00 AM PT): United States Attorney General William “Bill” Barr joins the Committee on the Judiciary of the United States House of Representatives for a hearing on the oversight of the Department of Justice. Join the conversation live! #StumpdPolitics #LiveTweet006