SIMPLE & QUICK: Desperate to remain relevant after their failed terrorist insurrection, half of the GOP goes all-in on endorsing nutterism, while the other half entertains nihilism; neither ends well— SAD!

Barely a week after the failed Republican terrorist insurrection against the U.S. Constitution, the democratic process, and the coveted peaceful transition of power, the pearl-clutching parade of incredulous GOP elite have dropped their charade and re-embraced the rage that is the modern conservative voter. Conspiracy theory has replaced American conservatism, the village idiot is being elected in place of Reaganites, and cop-killers are now just another prized voter cohort under the collapsing GOP circus tent.

Completely conquered by the Qanonsense they brushed aside, Republican leadership is now unable to shake-off its crazies. Perhaps re-invigorated, given new nods of permission, and directly incited by the previous President of the United States, the cringey, racist Republican modus operandi has long been a lodestar for the Grand Ole Party. The so-called fringe element is now engineering the GOP MAGA train. MAGAism is now the rule instead of the conscious exemption. White supremacy is now the party platform instead of the small town America GOP GOTV.

House minority leader, Kevin McCarthy R-CA, thinks he can straddle each side of the ever-growing GOP divide. After a week of nauseating media cycles that included Jewish laser beams, bullying a just-turned 18-year-old school shooting survivor, insisting there is a “Muslim invasion” in Congress, and even endorsing the assassination of Democratic members of Congress, McCarthy held a meeting with Rep. Marjorie Greene R-GA. After the meeting the Leader played pretend to not know how to pronounce Qanon as he apologized for Mrs. Greene. The minority leader later released a statement further condemning Rep. Greene’s claims that called school shootings false flag hoaxes.

The Leaders of each political caucus (D & R) in both the House and the Senate is charged with the over-all messaging for the Party. They decide which legislation gets priority and which direction the Party moves, politically. This person also sets the tone for how their members should behave and exacts what is and is not acceptable in Party ideology.

Unfortunately, McCarthy did not punish his underling, or even remove her from the committee he previously assigned her to— Education. Instead, McCarthy believes he can play both sides of his party similar to how Sen. Susan Collins is always “concerned.” Collins knows her constituents, as proven, and this clearly works for Maine. McCarthy is either very big brained or very mistaken to believe that turning a blind eye is a successful roadmap to reversing a contracting national party.

Some legislators are walking back their terrorist propaganda. Rep. Greene kind-of recognizes that school shootings are real and that the lives of children murdered by guns are real and that the incessant pain of their parents and families is also real. Albeit, she maintains that “if we just had more guns things would be safer.”

Greene either recognizes or already knew that what works for the far-right is not what works for the average American— and Marjorie wants to someday be the cardboard cut-out that weirdo sycophants grope. Sen. Josh Hawley R-MO said, “I was very clear from the beginning that I was never attempting to overturn the election,” but only after he objected to the electoral college votes of certain swing states with predominantly black municipal districts.

Further stroking confusion, Rep. Greene was applauded last Wednesday by her GOP colleagues after she apologized for “putting them in a tough position” with her racist ideology, antisemitic disposition, and conspiratorial mindset. And so it begs to ask— what is the Republican messaging in all of this? Is it really that as long as you are a terrorist capable of playing pretend and wink-winking your apologizes then you are just as viable as any other kind of Republican? If so, then it is important to inform the Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, because he recently lamented Qanon and MAGAism on the Senate floor as “cancers” on the Republican party.

In refusing to remove Reps. Greene, Brooks, Gosar, Boebart, et al; and Sens. Cruz, Hawley, Marshall, Kennedy, Hyde-Smith, Marshall, and/or any of the other traitorous Republican office holders, McCarthy and McConnell, as the GOP party Leaders, are in effect upholding this dangerous ideology and its violent rhetoric. Why? Because that is what motivates their rabid Republican base. Some Republican lawmakers after January 6th relay they are now literally afraid of their own constituents. Has MAGA terrorism already become a permanent GOP fixture? If so, MAGAism will keep the party in tumult and make any future success as a national party unlikely. After all, Lincoln said, “A house divided will not stand.”