SIMPLE & QUICK: POTUS 45 is using Presidential authority for shameless 2020 campaign politicking

Moments ago the 45th President of the United States of America held another of what is a series of recent impromptu press briefings. This official presser was held in the White House Oval Office. Unfortunately, like yesterday’s Rose Garden announcement, this Official office space is now just background for the 2020 Candidate’s latest stump speech.

In the short briefing, the President announced that next week he will be announcing new action on “taking control of our cities” that are being run by whom the President labeled as “liberal left wing democrats.” The President assured, “I don’t say this for political reasons.”

In what is certain to never materialize beyond momentary political distraction and base bolstering, the President claims that he is going to insert his Administration and “take over liberal cities” as They did in Seattle, Portland, and Minneapolis. They did not.

In what the first Reality TV President repeatedly described today as “central casting,” the Attorney General of the United States of America and his people joined the Candidate in his Oval Office stump speech today. AG Barr spoke mostly on how his Department will be “destroying” MS13 (It did not work in VA in 2018) and seeking the Federal death penalty against a lead member of the gang.

The desperation of the President is accelerating. Donald Trump and his Administration of white loyal men are purposefully exacerbating the frustrations and inequities within the American political system and the American cultural fabric. Last week, POTUS bumbled his answer as to why he deserves a second term. This week, the President has found a message, and it appears to be from the successful 2005 action drama, V for Vendetta, “make them remember that they need us!”